• Amerigo Scientific Instrument

    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a formidable tool used to amplify specific DNA samples rapidly and exponentially to a large enough amount to be studied in detail for scientists. PCR-based technologies include quantitative or real-time PCR (qPCR), reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), and quantitative reverse transcription (RT-qPCR).

    Amerigo Scientific offers a wide variety of convenient kits for PCR and PCR-based experiments from manufacturers that have leading processes and excellent technical support.

    Products (1322)
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    GFP210-01; GFP210-02
    • Size:
    • Catalog Number: PK01494663TIA
    GFP411-01; GFP411-02
    • Size:
    • Catalog Number: PK01494662TIA
    GKR202-01; GKR202-02
    • Size:
    • Catalog Number: PK01494661TIA
    • Size: 20 μl×500 rxn
    • Catalog Number: PK01494660TIA
    • Size: 20 µl×125 rxn
    • Catalog Number: PK01494659TIA
    GFP314-01; GFP314-02
    • Size:
    • Catalog Number: PK01494658TIA
    • Size: 50 µl×50 rxn
    • Catalog Number: PK01494657TIA
    GKR116-01; GKR116-02; GKR116-03
    • Size:
    • Catalog Number: PK01494656TIA
    GKR118-01; GKR118-02; GKR118-03
    • Size:
    • Catalog Number: PK01494655TIA
    GKR107-01; GKR107-02
    • Size:
    • Catalog Number: PK01494654TIA
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