Droplet Generators

Microfluidic droplet generators are revolutionary tools designed for advanced research and engineering. Droplet generators utilize the microfluidic technology to generate accurately and controllably monodisperse micro-sized droplets from liquids. Droplet generators allow for highly accurate droplet control and generation, producing droplets with uniform size distribution. Moreover, droplet generators typically produce droplets on a large scale with fast response times and high efficiency. Droplet generators are used in drug discovery, diagnostic development, food, and cosmetics production, as well as industrial applications.

Based on the specific energy consumption of droplets, droplet generation can be divided into two main categories. The passive droplet generators rely on pressure-driven flow and channel geometry without the need for an external power input, whereas the active droplet generators require an external power input to produce the droplet. The droplets generated are typically of two types, water-in-oil, and oil-in-water. Droplet generation technology has grown significantly over the past few years. The generated droplets can be used for high-throughput screening, sample hierarchical separation, cell and particle sorting, and gene expression studies. With micron-level resolution and high-precision delivery, microfluidic droplet generators can provide greater accuracy, speed, and reliability when dividing or adjusting different sample sizes. In addition, microfluidic droplet generation offers significant cost savings compared to traditional production techniques.

Amerigo Scientific offers a wide range of droplet generators for mass production of micrometer-sized droplets to meet different research needs.

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