Skimune® Sensitisation and Immunotoxicity Testing is based on a human tissue explant model, including measurements of T-cell proliferation and cytokine release, as well as tissue-specific damage assessment. Skimune® is developed to test for sensitization and immunotoxicity in the skin and can also serve as a test for general systemic immune responses. With Skimune®, it is possible to detect and characterize adverse immune responses induced by new chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biologics, and cells in vitro.
Monocytes isolated from blood samples of volunteers are used to generate dendritic and T cell populations. Exposure of the tested substance to dendritic cells (DCs) may lead to maturation of DCs. These DCs are then cocultured with autologous T cell populations to induce a T cell-mediated response. Finally, these cells are co-cultured with the autologous skin explant to assess lymphocyte-mediated tissue damage. The damage are characterized by histological assessment, immunohistochemistry (IHC), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and other methods.
Figure 1. Overview of Skimune® Human Tissue Assay System
Figure 2. Skimune® complying with the current OECD sensitization guideline process
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