MGB Eclipse® Probes

Dual-labeled qPCR probes with sequences less than 20 bases have higher specificity for the target sequence but may have difficulty reaching the melting temperature (Tm) required in the qPCR process. Minor groove binder (MGB) probes are double-labeled probes with conjugated MGB. The MGB moiety increases the Tm of the probe due to its minor groove binding capacity. MGB probes form highly stable duplexes with single-stranded DNA targets, allowing shorter probes to be used for hybridization-based assays. Compare with conventional double-labeled probes, MGB probes have higher Tm and increased specificity, especially when a mismatch occurs in the MGB region of the duplex.

Amerigo Scientific offers customized high-quality MGB probes with short sequences, high stability and specificity.

Features of MGB Eclipse® Probes

  • Short probes with high specificity
    The MGB moiety increases the Tm and stabilizes binding, allowing a shorter probe with improved specificity.
  • High signal-to-noise for increased sensitivity
    The short probe length increases quenching efficiency of probes, resulting in low background and high signal-to-noise.
  • Improved SNP detection
    The high duplex stability of MGB probes enhances Tm and SNP/mismatch discrimination.
  • Wide selection of fluorophores
    FAM, HEX, ATTO dyes, Texas Red, Yakima Yellow, JOE, ROX, and Cy5 are available.

CharacteristicsMGB probe design


Design and synthesize MGB Eclipse® probes with increased stability, specificity, and sensitivity.

MGB Eclipse® Probes Size Price
3' MGB Eclipse - 5' FAM 40 nmol / 200 nmol / 1000 nmol Inquiry
3' MGB Eclipse - 5' VIC replacem 40 nmol / 200 nmol / 1000 nmol Inquiry
3' MGB Eclipse - 5' HEX 40 nmol / 200 nmol / 1000 nmol Inquiry
3' MGB Eclipse - 5' Atto dye 40 nmol / 200 nmol / 1000 nmol Inquiry
3' MGB Eclipse - 5' Yakima Yellow 40 nmol / 200 nmol / 1000 nmol Inquiry
3' MGB Eclipse - 5' Cy5 40 nmol / 200 nmol / 1000 nmol Inquiry
3' MGB Eclipse - 5' Texas Red 40 nmol / 200 nmol / 1000 nmol Inquiry

Eclipse is a registered trademark of EliTech Group

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