Amerigo Scientific offers high-quality premade gRNA lentiviral libraries for CRISPR-based screens. These libraries enable gene knockout as well as gene up- or down-regulation across various scales, from whole-genome to pathway-specific. They serve as powerful and cost-effective tools for conducting CRISPR screens.
• Validation of library quality by NGS
VectorBuilder's libraries undergo rigorous validation through next-generation sequencing (NGS), and consistently demonstrate outstanding performance with high read alignment rate and uniformity. The meticulous validation process ensures that the libraries are not only accurate but also maintain a high degree of consistency across sequences.
• Well-established lentiviral system and ready-to-use high-titer lentivirus
Our CRISPR libraries are delivered in VSV-G pseudotyped lentivirus, which is a highly efficient gene delivery system for a wide variety of cells. The lentiviral vector is ideal for in vitro genetic screens since it can introduce gRNAs into cells efficiently, permanently, and uniformly. All pooled CRISPR libraries are provided as ready-to-use lentivirus with high functional titer (>108 TU/ml), which saves you time in virus packaging and titer measurement. The third-generation lentiviral vector system is optimized for improved biosafety given its incompetent self-replication feature.Please contact us at for specific academic pricing.
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